Personal Care Services – What Is a Sandwich-Generation Caregiver?

Senior Home Care

Adults in their 40s are very likely to have a parent over the age of 65 and children under the age of 18. At this point in their lives, they’re “sandwiched” between two generations in need of care. That’s what a sandwich-generation caregiver is. It’s a caregiver who is sandwiched between the care their parents […]

Renaissance Adult Medical Day Care Patio

Company News

What a beautiful day for some Vitamin D! At our large patio, members can play games, listen to music, have conversations with friends and much more!! At Renaissance Adult Medical Day Care our members can always enjoy the summer at one of our sunny or shaded tables, surrounded by beautiful plants and flowers. We have […]

Renaissance Adult Medical Center Celebrates 4th of July!

July 4th

So much fun celebrating 4th of July at Renaissance Adult Medical Center! We had hemed decorations, cookies, and ice cream. This was followed by the performance by Alla and Slava! What a fun way to spend the day! If you or an aging loved one are considering the assistance of an Adult Medical Day Care […]

Read This Before You Consider Personal Care Services for Your Mom

In-Home Care

Your mom had a stroke and needs someone with her throughout the day and night. You and your brother plan to split up the day and provide the help she needs, but is that enough? Before you take on your mom’s care, read these tips from other family caregivers. Ask Your Mom How She Feels […]

Medical Adult Day Services for Baltimore Seniors at Renaissance

Medical Adult Day Care in Baltimore

Medical adult day care in Baltimore is a valuable resource for seniors, providing them with a supportive and stimulating environment. By addressing their social, emotional, and medical needs, these programs contribute to a higher quality of life and overall well-being for seniors.

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